Bs''d "The crown of Torah. This is the crown of Moshe. As it says, 'remember the Torah of Moshe, My servant etc.' (Malachi 3:22) "The crown of Kehunah. This is the crown of Aharon, which can not be touched. As it says, 'it is an eternal covenant of salt before Hashem.' (Bamidbar 18:19) "The crown of sovereignty. This is the crown of David. As it says, 'you must know that Hashem, the God of Israel, gave the kingdom to David.' (Divrei HaYamim II 13:5) "The crown of good name surmounts them all." "Whoever merits the Torah should come and seize it. "Aharon only merited the Kehunah because of the Torah. As it says, "for a kohen's lips shall guard knowledge, and the Torah will be sought from his mouth.' (Malachi 2:7) "David only merited the kingship because of the Torah. As it says, 'this came to me because I kept Your precepts.' (Tehillim 119:56)" "R' Shimon wou...