Megilat SIHARA needed HOME. Shoshanat bat VERED still most loved by the ONE who let PARDES exist even with all the kotzim.


The reading of Megillath Esther takes precedence over all other mitzvoth (Torah commandments), save for burial of the dead. It even takes precedence over Torah study, and when the Beth HaMiqdash (Temple) stands, it takes precedence over the work of the Kohanim(Temple priests).

Megilat reading nusah Yerushalmi.

If only the chipped are allowed to be together at Purim, we need a MEGILAT home, right? And to practice alot.
Ganze BAYIT ganze LEV
Ve otach (Ererz Yisrael)ani LO ozev!
Avoteinu Shorashim
Va anachnu shoshanim
B manginot!
Shevet achim v achayot.
Shoshanat Yaacov.
Rak bizchut Shoshana....
Not because of any kotzim,
Only because of Shoshanat Yaacov the world exist.


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