And ONLY because of the Torah the world exist. The worlds foundation is standing on our learning.

Bs''d TAKE IT OR one have any right to exist if being against THE TORAH. The world was created by HAKADOSH BARUH HU. And HE gave everyone chance to choose. Gave....the time of last decisions is now. בשעה שאמרו ישראל נעשה ונשמע אמר הקדוש ברוך הוא בזכות התורה ולומדיה ינצל העולם בשביל שושנה זו ינצל הפרדס בזכות א שורה א גמרא, א סברא אוועק-געשטעלט בויעט די גאנצע וועלט בזכות אה הלכה איד א גמרא איד אין תורה געצעלט א דרשו איד “When Klal Yisroel said na’aseh v’nishma said the holy blessed master of the World ‘In the merit of Torah and the Learners the world will be saved. For the sake of this rose, the orchard will be saved “When Klal Yisroel said na’aseh v’nishma said the holy blessed master of the World ‘In the merit of Torah and the Learners the world will be saved. For the sake of thi...