“I believe that God created my body perfect and I don’t need humans to fix my immune system.”


There are people who believe that the doctor knows everything and have only good intentions. 
How many thousand years we managed without any doctor intervention, herd immunization and the MAGIC COMBINED WITH MEDICINE=HEKA???
So what happened to us to get under its spell??
Someone pointed out to me that the use of PEA, the wig, is the reason.
When in OLD MITZRAIYM they use cast spells on the subject, always wearing a wig, heavy make-up to highlight the superiority of the one who cast the magic spell in the medicine potion to let the subject believe whatever the one casting the spell is telling...
Sort of writing the recipe out , giving the potion or TABLET=pill, and combining it with a heavy hypnosis to let the subject believe in it.

So is this what happen to us?
Believing in MAGIC of MITZRI source with the hieroglyphs of an doctor instead of having EMUNAT TZADIKKIM and the trust in HAKADOSH BARUH HU and HIS CREATION, including the plants and fruits HE gave us to heal??? Strange, even more so when we see what is in nova days pills and vac cines.
Does a tissue from ALIVE AB ORT ED BABIES fulfill your thirst to get better and BE PROTECTED against the dirt of others? 
How about protecting your soul first place?
Yes, your SOUL, CHELEK HASHEM, only in a JEW that do not consume blood nor meat of a human. Hashem gave us KOSHER MEAT to eat, to prevent this to us happening. No not to eat blood, just the meat from kosher animals prepared in certein way to keep our NESHAMOT PROTECTED! Where are the Rabbi's to defend us? Where are the Rabbi's to defend our soul, HASHEM HIMSELF????


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