Parashat Korach. Piha. פיה.not פיגא or yes??? 95-94=1


And the exact same time that the Rav was taking out of the court in an ambulance, that's when the ground opened up in the 'Sha'arei Tzedek' carpark.
And all this just happened to be in Parshat Korach, when those who went against the Tzaddik HaDor were swallowed by the earth.

From Rivka Levi.


How about group of nano ma fias
selling painfull surgery while being next to a target who get the pain???
Its done in Galil by gang stalkers of nano ma fias who make extra money with this or are chantaged/mk ul traed into it.
They can advertize it as UGARO
Painless nituah or who knows what.
Will you do that  to get rid off the pain???

Its done on Ugars in Chinese prisons for long time now for these that can afford it. And by they plastic heart to do that.


OWO Description


This book could very well be the greatest revisionist history book ever written in modern times to date about the Greatest Lie about our common world history. The Tartary civilization encompassed most of the World we know today. From Russia to China to Africa to India to Australia and New Zealand to the North and South America's. There have been swept from modern his-story books and were likely destroyed in the 19th-20th centuries along with many of their amazing buildings. There are numerous documents proving that there were also Giants amongst them. The people of Tartary were destroyed by the same advanced technology that controls our weather were flooded, fire bombed, earthquaked and likely had directed energy weapons (DEW) used against them and many of their bones are buried under our cities today. Their

 "Old Word Order" 

was a benevolent society where they used sacred 

geometrical designs, 

pipe organs and 

catillion bells 

to help and 

to heal and 

to achieve higher consciousness. 

All of the architecture and technology we know of today was developed by the Tartar's. The 18th and 19th centuries were final book burning and removal from historical knowledge of this once great civilization that flourished up until just 100 years ago.

happened during the War of 1812. 
I was taught in high school that it was a war between the US and Britain over the British kidnapping our sailors. What I've learned since, is that it was a war that was happening all over the world while a giant comet hung in the sky for 
260 days and 
earthquakes in the midwest of the US went on for months.

This book really fills in the gaps I had in my research and sums up so much of what has happened to us in the last 400 years. The author gives good explanations for countries that seemed to have disappeared off maps, cities built with star formation walls around them, melted buildings, and an architecture that is the same all over the world.



Sauce Tartare 

These injected with the cy borg prik prik can indeed fly with our air line. Farthing is forbidden. We must admit that if you wake up during the flight, we have no resources to ease your trauma from falling from KADUR ARETZ INTO THE FLAT FARTH. So we advice you to be carefull and not to fly the next decade.

Uh oh???


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