
Showing posts from March, 2020

Please HASHEM, protect every real Jewish child in this last war!

ON THE PICTURE: ROSE GERANIUM SMELL THE ROSES.... KDUSHAT OF TZADIKKIM AND GAN EDEN Bs''d If you have YIRAT HASHEM AND YIRAT SHAMAIYM, please keep your children safe and pray for them everyday to stay with you and be safe! (ROSE GERANIUM 🌿💐Pelargonium graveolens💐🌿 Smell of roses, used for rose parfum, incredible healthy for the skin, full of Vit C.... Good in tea and compotes, in home made cream and shampoo. Keep flies away, cleans the liver. CALMS AND STRENGTEN EMUNA, JOY! Stpo nerve pain and pain from shingles. Strong antibioticum! Aceite de Geranio Rosa, Aetheroleum Pelargonii, Algerian Geranium Oil, Bourbon Geranium Oil,  Voňavý muškát , Extrait de Géranium, Geranamine, Geranium, Geranium Extract, Geranium Oil, Geranium Stems, Huile de Géranium, Huile de Géranium Bourbon, Huile de Géranium Rosat, Huile de Géranium Rose, Moroccan Geranium Oil, Oleum Geranii, Pelargonium graveolens, Pelargonium Oil, Tiges de Géranium.   ) In every w...

ARE YOU STANDING ON IT???Probably yes...

Bs''d When i use to have attacks of Astma in the old days, my father will go with me to the feeld. He said, stop walking. Look under your feet! This is the MATANA THAT OUR CREATOR is giving you! Plantain  לחךPLANTAGO LANCEOLATA מצוי Plantago lanceolata is a species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae. It is known by the common names ribwort plantain, narrowleaf plantain, English plantain, ribleaf, lamb's tongue, and buckhorn. Lungs : To get rid of dry cough and lung congestion, drink Plantago leaves decoction. Boil a handful leaves in water and drink twice a day. Cold, flu, and respiratory infections : Take the tincture under the tongue or drink freshly brewed warm tea with  honey . Asthma : Make a decoction of the roots of plantago. Take it two times a day. Pneumonia : Boil 1 tsp of plantago and thyme in 100 ml of water. Add a half tsp of sugar and lemon juice in this water. Boil it till it reduces to half. Strain it off...

Hear Rav Stern’s words – and help save Am Yisrael from the Coronavirus. WOULD YOU LIKE 5O SIT ON HIS CHAIR?

Bs"d 🌱🌱👑👑👑👑🌱🌱💐💐🕊🕊 Shavuah tov ve NISAN CHODESH TOV l kulam! We just finished melave malka with a story from BAAL SHEM TOV. about reb Yaacov and the darshan and the hakomer that did tschuva, the Jewish mumar. Baron….and somehow we had to think about Rabanit Yemima. Plz anyone that know how, contact her (she use to live in BAIYT V GAN?) and tell her about this. TIKKUN GILGULIM. TIME TO SAVE RABEINU! 💐💐💐💐 🌿🌿🌿🌿 Geula....?anyone???Have you prepared new wite clothes to great mashiah TZIDKEINU and celebrate HASHEMS KINGDOM ON EARTH? How about BET HA MIKDASH HA GADOL HA SHLISHIT? Ready? What about SEDER? Are we ready? For sure....anyone that is not must be 🐮SHOTEH. Many will die, these that cannot enter the HOLINESS. CHAMERZ OF MITZRAIYM is dying!


Bs”d HAKADOSH BARUH HU HIMSELF DESCENDED and is in prison with the TZADDIK HA DOR. UNTIL WE GET THEM OUT OF THERE. HE have NO interest in our mitzvot and ‘we’will die unless there will be MALCHUT SHAMAIYM reached by OUR LEV BASAR! SHABBAT SHALOM. Shalom! 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 All the real Jews stand behind the Rav! All these people, singers, Rabbis, Tzadikkim do! And there are 'Jews' that did not read the PITOM HA KTORET, NOR TZADIKK ALUF TEHILIM at The moment of birth time of Rabbi Nachman….that's what the Rabanit is explaining. The erev rav raevim cannot kill all of us, they cannot put us in jail all of us! It is good to seperate now from them into our houses. Reshaiym go to their bunkers, amalekim are diyng, orevim (black birds) are waiting for the DEAD MEAT. This is time of seperation from the tuma. All AMO YISRAEL is behind Moshe! And this time OUR MOSHE RABBEINU will not have mercy on the multitude….this time we seperate forever! Serafim are outside huge like a buildin...