Hear Rav Sternโ€™s words โ€“ and help save Am Yisrael from the Coronavirus. WOULD YOU LIKE 5O SIT ON HIS CHAIR?

Shavuah tov ve NISAN CHODESH TOV l kulam! We just finished melave malka with a story from BAAL SHEM TOV. about reb Yaacov and the darshan and the hakomer that did tschuva, the Jewish mumar. Baronโ€ฆ.and somehow we had to think about Rabanit Yemima. Plz anyone that know how, contact her (she use to live in BAIYT V GAN?) and tell her about this. TIKKUN GILGULIM. TIME TO SAVE RABEINU!

Geula....?anyone???Have you prepared new wite clothes to great mashiah TZIDKEINU and celebrate HASHEMS KINGDOM ON EARTH? How about BET HA MIKDASH HA GADOL HA SHLISHIT? Ready? What about SEDER? Are we ready? For sure....anyone that is not must be ๐ŸฎSHOTEH. Many will die, these that cannot enter the HOLINESS. CHAMERZ OF MITZRAIYM is dying!

Hear Rav Stern's words โ€“ and help save Am Yisrael from the Coronavirus!!!


All the harsh judgments are occurring because we aren't protesting about Rav Berland โ€“ Rav Aharon Stern

After you've read the following words from Rabbi Aharon Stern, shlita, please send this post on to as many people as you can.
Rabbi Aharon Stern, shlita, is the head of the Ziv Yehuda Torah institutions, and also the son of the famous kabbalist from Bnei Brak, Rabbi Dovid Chaim Stern, shlita.
In a fiery speech, he explained that HaKadosh Baruch Hu is extremely angry about the very difficult situation that Rabbi Eliezer Berland, shlita, currently finds himself in, and that the harsh gezeira (decree) of the Coronavirus won't be nullified until he is freed from prison.
We are translating Rav Stern's words below. You can hear the original words in Hebrew here:
      Rabbi Aaron Stern the reason for Corona
Or click cc on this video to see the subtitles:

We ask our readers to please help to get this message out to the wider Jewish world, because many lives depend on it.

It's only when more people understand the spiritual root cause of this Coronavirus epidemic, namely the unlawful persecution, violent and brutal physical treatment and disgrace of Rabbi Eliezer Berland, that we will be able to rectify the problem with the appropriate ยญteshuva โ€“ and to get this awful situation to stop.


Here is what Rav Stern said:

Moray v'rabotai (my teachers and friends), how very difficult is this day for Am Yisrael. It's like the day when the Beit HaMikdash (Temple) was destroyed.
On this day, whole communities were forced to leave thousands of synagogues across the whole of Eretz Israel and the world, and with tremendous weeping, they were forced to go out and pray in the street.
Chas v'shalom, in the same way that when rain falls on Succot, it's as though HaKadosh Baruch Hu has thrown a pitcher of water in his face. (See Mishna Succah, 2:9: "To what is this (i.e. rain on Succot) comparable? To a slave who comes to pour for his owner, and [the master] spills the pitcher on [the slave's] face.)

These events need to shock each and every one of us, and to cause us to make a cheshbon hanefesh (spiritual accounting), as to why Hashem is doing this to us.

But you should know, my teachers and friends, I already said this 40 days ago. You should know, that in Sodom there lived very big reshaim (evildoers), that at the height of their evil  they took a girl who was performing the mitzvah of tzedaka (charity). They smeared her body with honey, then placed her on the roof in the heat of the day, so that the bees would come and sting her to death.

The cries of that girl reached to the heart of the Heavens.

HaKadosh Baruch Hu said to the angels, "Descend please and I will see: If they act in accordance with the outcry which has come to Me โ€“ then destruction!" (Parshat Vayera, 18:21).
So Chazal tell us that there are things that the decree is 'sealed' because of them. When they came and took Rav Berland, and put him in jail โ€“ this was like the cry that ascended to the Heavens [and sealed the decree].
All of this big commotion is happening because this Tzaddik (Rabbi Eliezer Berland, shlita) is languishing in prison โ€“ in 'bidud' (isolation).
Hashem is angry.
You could tell me that I'm weird [for saying this], but it's also said about Moshiach Tzidkaynu that:
"He was despised and isolated from men, a man of pains and accustomed to illness, and he was counted among the criminals. As one from whom we would hide our faces; he was despised, and we had no regard for him. But in truth, it was our ills that he bore, and our pains that he carried" (Isaiah 53:3-4).

Rav Berland is stuck in prison, and Am Yisrael is stuck with this Coronavirus.

We need to go out, and to cry out, until they free Rabbi Berland from the prison. If you have any brains in your head, if anyone wants to really save this [Jewish] peopleโ€ฆ.
Perhaps, it was decreed that the Coronavirus was meant to be in the rest of the world, but in Eretz Yisrael, there was not supposed to be any Coronavirus.

Hashem is angry.

If there is someone out there who is capable of freeing Rabbi Berland from prison, that person can save the whole of this people.
Because they have kicked us out of our inheritance. They have kicked us out of our synagogues. This is the churban Beit HaMikdash (destruction of the Temple). They threw us into the streets! HaKadosh Baruch Hu said, I don't want you!! I don't want your prayers!! I don't want your avodat Hashem!!
There is a Tzaddik who is sitting and groaning in prison โ€“ and everyone is silent! No-one is opening their mouth! All of a sudden, everyone is struck dumb. No-one is saying anything.
Everyone has been silenced by a roaring silence โ€“ but HaKadosh Baruch Hu is not silent!! HaKadosh Baruch Hu is demanding that the insult to his Tzaddik is recompensed, and then who knows, perhaps [Hashem] will be merciful.
We need to cry out to Hashem, and then maybe he will take away from us this terrible gezeira. But we also need to act! We need action!

If we don't get Rabbi Berland out of prison, then Am Yisrael will be in a huge problem! Chas v'shalom, this can continue to worsen and spread. I don't want to describe it so as not to chas v'shalom open the mouth of the Satan, but this thing depends on us.

We can save Am Yisrael, RIGHT NOW.

Even though these words may sound strange, you should know that I am telling you the truth.
And He is merciful to forgive our sins.

You can help!

Help donate Pidyon Shevuyim to get the Rav out of prison. Click HERE

Yes! Big chance it is. And logical. The gematria of nachash. Anyone that rejects to crown the ONLY KING with all their heart and long for MALCHUT SHAMAIYM more then anything else is now in the hand of mercy of the unmerciless acuser and his special matana๏ผcrown of the darnkess.
620๏ผ613(taryag)๏ผ‹7(mitzvot of Noah)
Beside that the tzadik of our generation was publically humililated by many with lies and false witnesses supported by SHEDIM RAVIM. The punishment for this is Orevim waiting for us to die, they smell the death, the MAGEFA/PLAGUE in us, the poison of the nachash in our heart.
What a shame, like in old times when Korah and his companions acused and humililated MOSHE RABEINU from sleeping with their wives and taking all their mamon and honor for himself. Same as in times of BESHT, MAGEFA was the matana until they did TSCHUVA AS ONE!
Hashem is in prison now, turning HIS back to us, while keeping company to MOSHE OF OUR GENERATION. Will we die? Or will we help them? They are sad like in time of Korah.
My heart is with them. How about you?


  1. True Tzaddikim, I have an idea how to help the Rav in his jail. I was going to speak with Yissachar Berg, but I have a feeling yours is a better platform - at least for me right this minute.

    If you like my idea, do you have a way to communicate with Yissachar so we can organize something like this?

    This is my idea ( i don't like writing on purple, it's hard on the eyes:

    Just like at the time of the Mishkan where women would donate their jewelry for Hashem, now that people don't have much cash because of unemployment, I suggest that we collect jewelry and precious stones - Odem, Pitdah, Bareket, Nofech, Sapir, Yahalom, Leshem, Shevo, Achlamah, Tarshish, Shoham. Ve Yashfe - from all who have some they are willing to give - I am willing to part with a few pieces for Mashiach, who wouldn't?? I bet women will be first just as in the times of the Mishkan! _ and we could maybe get to pay the Rav's lawyer with "stuff" instead of cash. And if there are other urgent financial obligations for the Rav, then that too. But I would like for sure to know WHERE my necklace is going, WHO is getting it, HOW MUCH it is really worth so we don't get cheated. And the question is, now that they made donating money illegal, does that include personal items? I would think probably not, but it is certainly something we would need to consider.. That is worth a lot more than cash these days, it would be easier to collect, and I am sure the recipient would be delighted to be paid that way,, specially considering what is happening to currencies right now.

    What do and your readers think of my idea? If you like it, we need to move quickly!
    How could we get this done quickly so the Rav can leave his jail ASAP?


  2. Did you see, True Tzaddikim???


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