72 years of CHEVLEI MASHIAH reached its end with BLACK AND WITE PARADE OF EREV RAV WITHOUT SOCIAL DISTANCE AND NO DOG MASKS ON THE DOGFACED GENERATION. We are at the end where dogs walk outside freely without a mask spreading the virus of kfira.

Bs''d Jews with dog masks on their face when leaving safe home of MEZUZA not to be seen as JEWS but resemble the dogs by wearing a dog mask? The only way to walk around in ERETZ YISRAEL until the BIRUR is over??? YES, MY DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS, YOU WANT TO KEEP EVIL KLIPOT AWAY right now by looking like them in public and keeping LOOOONG DISTANCE between YOUR HOLYNESS and their tuma. Remember, evil klipot sustein their life from OUR KDUSHA by parasiting on it..... do not let it happen!Keep distance of 2 plus meter away from dogs, cats, snakes, goiym and the AM that Moshe took with us. So for the Israelis attached to the 3 klipot RA, : CORONAVIRUS: CAN YOUR DOG OR CAT GET COVID-19 AND CAN YOU CATCH IT FROM YOUR PET? Coronavirus social distancing rules apply to pets, CDC says!!! The recommendations include not letting pets interact with people outside their respective households, keeping them indoors, maintaining social distancing while going on walks and avo...