
B''d Tracking the contacts of all CATS AND DOGS spreading the KFIRA VIRUS TRUE ISRAEL. The OREVIM SMELL FROM HUGE DISTANCE death and the magefa, while giving respect to the CORONA, KETER OF HA KADOSH BARUH HU. Not sure if MALAH HA MAVET is their enployer, but for sure they do the best job. ERETZ YISRAEL WILL BE CLEANED FROM dogs cats kfira avoda zara etc.... to make place for the SCHINA OF BET HA MIKDASH ANACHNU NIMTZAIYM B SOF SHE B SOF SHEL OLAM HA SHEKER. TSCHUVA NOW! KIBUTZ GALLIOT? LA PROFECIA: https://youtu.be/Ibb1IcV0fO0 for these none Jews residing in ERETZ YISRAEL HA KDUSHA...make place for us by going, this is not a place to be right now...no orla survive this for now you can keep 7 mitzvot of Noah outside hopefully you keep the 7 SANHEDRIN IS READY A JEW IS BORN FROM JEWISH MOTHER OR COMPLETED HALACHIC CONVERSION TO LIVE TARYAG