עורבים, תמוז ב


So what is the secret of a Jew?
The Kingdom of Yuda was a pact between YUDA, BINYAMIN AND SHIMON.
“There was a Jewish man in Shushan the capital whose name was Mordechai, the son of Yair, the son of Shimi, the son of Kish, a Binyaminite” (Esther (2:5)

Well, there is a story about Turkye, a woman, baby, Baal Shem Tov and a SHIDDUCH MATCH from heaven....
ask Feige! Or Rabbi Zetlin who wrote about...THE SEER OF PODOLIA...

Beside that, we have a HILULA OF SABA SHEL RABBEINU!
Rebbe Nachman Horodenker was once travelling on a boat. The food had run out and he hadn't eaten for several days. Finally, the boat landed in an Arab city where no Jews lived. One of the residents took in Rebbe Nachman Horodenker and offered him food. He washed his hands and said HaMotzi, but before he could take a bite he had a strange thought. The verse "Do not eat the bread of one with an evil eye" (Mishlei 23:6) came into his mind. He knew that thoughts were not for naught, and despite having said the blessing for bread, he decided not to eat it because of this thought. 
Only then, a new verse came into his mind, "I have sent the ravens to feed you" (I Melakhim 17:4). The word ravens, orvim (ערבים), can also be read as aravim, Arabs. Rebbe Nachman Horodenker then decided to eat the bread.
The Rebbe explains that sometimes we have confusing thoughts. However, if we wait HaShem will help us and send us a new thought that will draw us close. For example, a person wants to speak to HaShem, but he has thoughts that he is not fitting to be like a child to HaShem. What is he supposed to do? He should not give up. Rather, he should wait and open himself up to receive good thoughts. If he holds his ground he will see that though he has acted improperly, the fact that he wants to return is itself a sign that he is really HaShem's child. With that thought in mind, he can break through the barriers and begin to speak. The difficulty he had in beginning his hisbodedus can itself be the opening topic of conversation which will lead him to deeper topics and a great closeness with HaShem.
The Rebbe assures us that if we do our part, HaShem will help us. The path is long, but with the tzaddikim as our guides we are sure to achieve what we need to achieve in this world. 


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