Bs''d AM YISRAEL AM SEGULA AM ECHAD SEE WHAT GAD ELBAZ HA TZADDIK ASK! I have a letter for you 'supersmart' people, that are actualy stupid, stupid, stupid. You killed my Rabbi when told the TRUTH and now you try to kill us. Your days are counted. The time and space for you to do evil was reserved for you only to give us a choice. We are choosing EVERY DAY WITH MODE ANI TO SERVE ONLY HA KADOSH BARUH HU. You may serve the snake and die with the snake. A ugly hyena can never be ARIEH! 🦁🦁🦂🍷 And when you try to kill us JEWS with your FAVA-POISON ( quick, easy protein replacing blood thirsty food for Essau, the Vampire, eaten mostly in VATICAN ), know that we, yes we NEVER DIE! We are chelek Hashem, our NESHAMA IS HIM. Something you HAVE NOT! , ואין היא כחכמת הפילוסופיה, שהיא הבל. ולכן אתה, תלמידי אלכסנדר,המלך הגדול, אל ידיחו ספריי, לא אותך ולא את חבריך הפילוסופים, שאילו היה בכוחי לאסוף את כ...