Bs"d I just heard a song about magefa. Then i of Ishay Ribo, Keter Melucha. And then i felt very mad about: That AMO SHELY, AM SEGULA IS STUPID ENOUGH NOT TO DO THE MAT. MAGEFA IN OUR HISTORY: ARON HA KOHEN=KETER KEHUNA MOSHE RABEINU=KETER TORAH DAVID HA MELEH=KETER MALCHUT BESHT.SABA SHEL RABBI NACHMAN= KETER SHEL SHEM TOV. CORONA=KETER SHEM TOV OF RABBI BERLAND see the picture : 26 January last year Rav Berland went violently to KELE, are you happy with your SEGER??? Slanderers of Aron, Moshe, David, Yisroel where the same looserd in our time. My l Hashem BO elai. Parashat BO a year ago. Think. Are you against the choosen one by Hashem to lead us? Was you against David ha Meleh? Are you realy Jewish, stupid or Erev Rav? Your is the answer, that cannot be hidden from Hashem. Now these, that do care about Amo Shelanu, and to be in Bet ha Mikdash ha Shlishit KEHEREF AYIN, sing the Avanim Tovot. No time left. Keter Melucha https://youtu....