The dream on his birthday


Kise ha Kavod (color of argaman/saphire/tchelet

There is something fascinating about blue diamonds.
High presure
Deep in the see

Actualy, it is a special soul trowed from above of Kise ha Kavod into the depts under high pressure...

On the birthday of Rabeinu someone born in same day dreamed about this beautiful stone that have one more mystery in it.
It absorbs water in its 4.form.
Water is you get it??

What is the connection between this and Ozone and Oxigen?
You tell me??

אחרי שראיתי את הסרט החשוב שהכינו על הרב שליט"א  , ואשרי מי שעסק בהכנתו. 
וצריך להפיץ מה שיותר כדי שיראו את האמת. 
חלמתי שהרב מראה לי מקום שיש בוא מחצב סודי  של אבנים טובות שמתקן את כל מה שצריך. 
אבנים כחולות עם בועות של אוויר.  
מתפלל לשיחרורו המהיר של הרב ולרפואתו השלמה. 

"A diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure".

Made purely from carbon minerals

"There is something very special about the crystal structure of ringwoodite that allows it to attract hydrogen and trap water. This mineral can contain a lot of water under conditions of the deep mantle."

ringwoodite, colored sapphire-like blue

This water is not in a form familiar to us — it is not liquid, ice or vapor. This fourth form is water trapped inside the molecular structure of the minerals in the mantle rock. The weight of 250 miles of solid rock creates such high pressure, along with temperatures above 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, that a water molecule splits to form a hydroxyl radical (OH), which can be bound into a mineral's crystal structure.



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