If you help the true Tzaddikim, then you will bring the geula closer, and you will merit to have all the good that has been set aside for the soldiers of the House of David.

Rebbe Nachman describe the soldiers of 

( the people who are working on their emunat tzaddikim  NEGED)

the solders of Gog and Magog, the dog faced as the brazen ones. These who spread lashon hara about real Tzadikim. They can be your Rabbi, father or mother, husband or wife or CHVSH your child!  All the crosses....fuy!
You have to eat PILPEL CHARIF TO SEE THIS!  
May you see and be blessed, for the one who posses a PILPEL CHARIF is a rich man! May you SEE and be blessed with the richness of JEWISH WISDOM, 



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