Bs''d First-hand testimony of how Rabbi Berland miraculously left his cell Two relatives of Rebbetzin Levy were recently incarcerated in Tzalmon Prison, in the same cell with Rabbi Eliezer Berland, shlita. Here, we bring the translated first-hand testimony of how Rabbi Berland was locked up – only for the prison guards to inexplicably find him outside of his prison cell again. (You can hear the original story in Hebrew, HERE. ) Here are her words: ==== A little while before Shavuot, two members of my family live on a moshav in the North, and were arrested because of a fight they had over an inheritance. The older brother attacked his sibling, and the younger brother tried to defend himself, and they both wound up in the hospital requiring medical treatment. The police were waiting for them there, and they took them away to Tzalmon Prison. Rav Eliezer Berland, shlita, is to be found in T...
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