The Am that is NOT us!


What you are going to read now is not easy to digest.

Did you ever wandered why we where named with all the ugly names of pedofiles, vampires, bloodsuckers?

Li lith was the first.
United with Hagar after Avraham Avinu lost Sarah Imenu to Sa t an, Hagar being now Ketu-RA, gave birth to an ugly son, the father of all Hiksos, Pe=RAo.
There are some dieties from Mitzraiym (that i do not want to go in) that practized VAMPIRISM from the time of this first parao, not of Mitzri origins, that slovly enslaved all the nation residing there. How?
By sucking on their moah, brains. 
Adrenochrome, connected to adrenaline, hunt, pain, birth.
Blood, red, Essau...
Nimrod, granfather of Hagar, selfproclaimed king that wanted to kill Hakadosh Baruh Hu (Migdal Bavel, Dor ha Palga, all of them changed to monkeys as punishment).
Terror in Egypt with no privacy (a wig and tiara firced on all with a cobra-iphone receiver to let see the machshava-thougth and dreams to parao and his family).
But for us, unforetunately, the Hiksos, erev rav, the Am that Moshe took with us are daily torture untill now.
Podolia, terror in nights wuth screams....the secte of Jaacov Frank busy with their evil in times of Rabbi Nachman.
That's why Breslevim also pray in the night.
Why every am al ek and erev rav must be gone befire we have the joy of 3.Bet Ha Mikdash???
To keep it standing forever!
No more reshaiym to create from Yashar El language safa yafa mebulbelet of lies and fear.
Read...and digest.
Read again and, please, pray.
The evil klipot from the beginning until end of time are going to be cut of and burned down.
That what is Light for us (Torah), is FIRE for them.

The chita=wheat is ready, and the shaft of it must burn.
Are we ready for this? The All seeing Eye (aiyn RA) that try to rule to be gone out of existence...
And every one will know who is Hashem!
Lev basar....
We do not eat human flesh and do not drink blood...

Sabbatean/Frankists, also referred to as the "Cult of the All-Seeing Eye" (look on the back of your one dollar bill to begin to understand their influence in YOUR life), are political and religious chameleons. They are everywhere… there is power.
Jakob Frank (1726 - 1791) was a Polish Jew born as Jacob ben Leiba into a family with strong Sabbatean ties. When he was only a few months old his family moved to the Ottoman Empire and once arrived continued to lead a restless life. In short sequence we find them in Czernowitz, Smyrna, Bucharest, Sofia and even Constantinople. Early on he gained the nickname 'Frank'; it betrayed his foreign European origins as it was a general appellation in the Ottoman Empire for Europeans since the time of Charlemagne and the Crusades.

Essau loved hunt.
Scared his pray and drink its blood.
Hiksos in Mitzraiym
Black magic 
Eye RA
Sucking on the moah of people in Mitzraiym
Hiksos do giur and go wits us=erev rav.
The Jew haters speak about that Hiksos all around hated by others where actualy the Jews leaving Egypt.
PE-RAo survived the Shirat ha Yam story and went to Nineve=Ninua.
From there his descendant established the kingdom of Sin. (Sinharif=Sanherib).
China is full of stories about vampires.

Rabbi Nachman start to pray in the night after some incidents in Podolie.
People are scared to sleep.
It appears that everywhere Sabateans went, especialy Frankists, some vampiers appears!
Kosovo, Serbia, Transylvania, Hungary, USA, UK, places of nobility...
Rosh Pina....
Rotten children, born deformed and of need of extra blood or otherparazitism by inbreed, abuse and sadism.

Parao, Haman, or pale, ugly.
Vlad Tepesh have very similar face futures of Jaacov Frank.

Group of youthlead by some goiym roam around and implant nano neurons and speakers into peoples bodies. Then they let it grow by terorising the target into nano antenas and receivers to connect their target into their "movie"unwilingly.
A person hear a group speaking and the hear what he/she is thinking, hearing, watching, dreaming.
All privacy rules broken. Aee autistic used or involved in this?
Use of teror and invoke of fear or stress.
Sounds familiar?
Is this streaming of nano mafias actualy sort of vampires?
Essau was.
Vatican is.
Hiksos, family of Pe-RAo where, erev rav is.

Author Lyn Gibson
Vampires in Ancient Egypt

      Vampires were highly respected in the Ancient Egyptian society, many of them having become rulers.  The ancient vampire having a pure blood line, were a fierce and powerful breed and were regarded as Gods in these times.

One of the most revered vampires from this era was Osiris.  He and his brother Set, born unto vampire, were abandoned by their parents.  Set and Osiris were raised by a family that practiced the dark arts.  The surrogate parents and their daughters, Isis and Nephtus, trained the two brothers well in the arts.  Osiris would become king and marry Isis.  He would use his knowledge of the arts aand his power as a Vampire to teach his people how to work the land.  Egypt was on it's way to becoming the legendary metropolis that it was it that time.  As Egypt continued to grow in wealth and population Set became jealous of Osiris and his stature throughout the land.  Set continued to nurse his rage and began to feed on humans, building an army of minions to help him overthrow Osiris so that he may take the throne.  When the time came, Set and his children murdered Osiris, immediately promoting himself as Pharaoh.

Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris was associated with a powerful sorcerer known at that time as Ra.  Enraged by the actions of his uncle, Horus went to the sorcerer and had him place a curse on Set and his children; They would never walk in the daylight again lest they be destroyed.  In the meanwhile, Isis in her grief, had been vigilantly searching for a way to bring Osiris back from the dead.  Having turned to the book of the dead, she found success and retrieved Osiris from the netherworld but could not break the ties as he was now forever bound to the world of the dead.  Legend states that this is when Osiris earned the title "Lord of the Underworld" later to be known as Hades.

Osiris or Hades, having ties to the underworld would allow for his bloodline to have access to knowledge and abilities that were unobtainable by humans.  It is suggested that this is when the inherited traits of psychic and telekinetic abilities were obtained throughout the Vampire race.


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