Kol haKovod to the police who helped, and we love you as our brothers – 

but who put the barrier across the exit?


They tied her on the fire – Odel-le, the holy and pure one, the daughter of the Baal Shem Tov. 


who put the barrier across the exit

πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯to seperate, cut in pieces, attack the skin.....nituah, Etz DAAT is not Etz Chaim. Daat achieved by hurting others is the way of the other. To achieve honour and attention this way....❓‼️πŸ”The way of nachash.

Hodl, daughter of Besht, mother of Feiga, grandmother of Rabeinu Nachman ben Feiga.Hodl, that took care of Simcha together with Feige Simcha ben Rabbi Nachman Horodenker, whos wife died during birth of Simcha. Rabbi Nachman Horodenker from Shvat Biniamin, from Mordehai ha Yehudi.

Odel, Hodel (HOD SH B HOD)
Adelka, grandmother of Rabeinu, Rabeinu with same genatria as 

There is blood in the water now.

They tied her on the fire – Odel-le, the holy and pure one, the daughter of the Baal Shem Tov.


Amongst others who will be lighting are the 
grand rabbi of the Toldot Aharon hassidic community, 
Chief Rabbi of Safed Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, 
Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem Rabbi Shlomo Amar, and others, although the final number has yet to be determined. 
Each rabbi will be able to bring with them a maximum of 

ten followers.

Later this week, police will seal off the holy site, while only residents will be allowed into the town of Meron until after the Lag Ba'omer celebrations. 

The cave in which Bar Yochai's tomb is located will be closed as well. 

Several rabbis will nevertheless be allowed to light the traditional bonfires on the roof of Bar Yochai's tomb, including the grand rabbi of the Boyan hassidic community who has lit the first bonfire dating back to the Ottoman era. 
Amongst others who will be lighting are the grand rabbi of the Toldot Aharon hassidic community, Chief Rabbi of Safed Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem Rabbi Shlomo Amar, and others, although the final number has yet to be determined. 
Each rabbi will be able to bring with them a maximum of ten followers. 
In March, the Religious Services Ministry drew up new regulations for the management of the Meron holy site, which includes a provision that prohibits an individual from lighting a bonfire if they have been convicted of serious crimes. 
This clause in the new regulations has been designed in part to exclude convicted sex abuser Rabbi Eliezer Berland, head of the Shuvu Banim sect within the Breslov hassidic community who has lit bonfires at the holy site on Lag Ba'omer despite his convictions. one dissagreed...
Now 2021, not only the Rabbi but also these present in 2020 without him where on the list.
The list of who???


The crown of a good name:

Belongs to:

Baal Shem Tov

rabbi Nachman ben Feige ben Simcha

Rabbi Berland, Eliezer ben Etia


"They wanted to kill 100,000 Jews in 5 minutes"
By Kalman Wiseman - May 4, 2021

They wanted to kill 100,000 Jews in 5 minutes
The following comments were made by Rabbi Eliezer Berland, shlita, on April 11th, 2021, almost three weeks before the terrible tragedy in Meron that saw 45 holy Jews crushed and asphyxiated to death on L'ag B'omer, 5781.

They show that the Rav foresaw an awful gezeira that had been made upon Am Yisrael – and that there was meant to be a much greater disaster in Meron this year, that was sweetened.

We hope these words will bring some comfort to all the mourners of Zion – and that Hashem should avenge the innocent blood that was shed in Meron.

These comments were translated from the Shivivei Or Newsletter, #208.

[The Rav is telling the famous story of the Baal Shem Tov's trip to Eretz Yisrael with his daughter Odel and his sofer R' Hirsh. On the way they were captured by cannibals…]

This was about Odel'le, the daughter of the Baal Shem Tov, [the mother] of Rabbenu haKadosh, because they wanted to eat Odel'le.
To taste her, they wanted 'shwarma'. This was Seder night, and they wanted 'shwarma', melaveh malka. They said that the flesh of Odel'le was the most tasty.

The cannibals (lit: 'Idamkas') came, on the way that they were travelling to Eretz Yisrael, and wanted to eat her, to devour her. They said that there is no other meat as tasty as this, in the world.

They were already preparing the fire.
They were rolling up their sleeves, they were sharpening their knives.

They tied her on the fire – Odel-le, the holy and pure one, the daughter of the Baal Shem Tov.
The Baal Shem Tov said about her….[text in yiddish] "All day she goes around with tremendous desire towards Hashem Yisborach, and she asks herself 'what else can I do to fulfill the Will of Hashem'."

From the day she was born, she was a pillar of flame, a pillar of flame.


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